6588 fare dodgers fined in public transport in November
Statistical data of "Rīgas satiksme" about ticket inspections in November 2014:
Number of fare dodgers fined in public transport: |
Buses |
2563 |
Trolleybuses |
2264 |
Trams |
1761 |
Total: |
6588 |
including: |
Fine receipts |
4421 |
Fine bills |
2167 |
It is by 1269 fare dodgers less than in October 2014, when 7857 passengers were fined for fare dodging in public transport.
Number of ticket inspections in public transport: |
Buses |
8107 |
Trolleybuses |
7214 |
Trams |
3760 |
Total: |
19081 |
Just to compare – there were 19610 ticket inspections in October 2014, which is by 529 more than in November 2014.
In November 2014, the maximum number of fare dodgers (593) was fined on trolleybus route No. 15, but the minimum number (3) on bus route No. 34.
For more information about the services provided by "Rīgas satiksme", public transport routes and schedules, types of tickets and other news, please visit our webpage at www.rigassatiksme.lv or social networks "twitter", "facebook", "draugiem.lv".